Thursday, January 6, 2011


With limited opportunities out there, limited budgets, competition is thick and clients are scarce. All I keep thinking of is the song- "Keep Trying"  from my kid's favorite show- Yo Gabba Gabba, the song even described from the shows creator- Christian Jacobs as the story of his life- The lyrics are CRAZY catchy and will stay in your head for hours upon end- "Keep Trying"- "Don't give up, never give up! Don't stop, don't give up, Don't stop, don't give up.

Don't tell me this is not catchy! Sorry for the ghetto video version, but the song's video is not available on the net.

My take on rejection- Keep it moving and continue to focus on you want you love to do, whether it's designing something, putting an idea in motion, volunteering, getting involved, adding to your portfolio or repertoire of work, whatever it may be, make it happen and as this picture so eloquently says-

Create yourself, create your differences so you stand out from the rest of all that competition. Don't think about being discouraged,  like these kids so enthusiastically sing - keep trying, never give up.

Some parting tips to keep you motivated no matter how much rejection you face-

-It's a numbers game- the more people, opportunities you pursue, odds are at least one of those opportunities will surface in your favor.

A great excerpt from an excellent Sales & Marketing site - Business Brief- with just as great newsletter- 

"The toughest part of your job is dealing with rejection. You can’t always control what happens, but you have the power to define what an experience means to you. You can choose to view an experience as rejection or you can reframe it in a way that lets you get something valuable out of the encounter ­– whether you get the opportunity or not. Look at it as a decision that allows you to concentrate on your next opportunity. -  5 tactics to help you stay positive in tough times